Thursday, December 30, 2010

Christmas breakfast

Thought I'd add this, since I said I'd give the recipe to my sister and now I just think you all should have it 'cause it ROCKED. This is what T and I made Christmas morning, the first Christmas morning in a long time that I didn't have to go anywhere. I love my family dearly, but the sheer number of places T and I have to go sometimes gets exhausting, so sitting around in uncombed hair and comfy jammies felt pretty great. Anyway, here's the pretty picture of the Jalapeno, Sausage, Jack, and Egg Breakfast Braid:

Ours didn't look exactly like that, but hey, it tasted just fine. It really didn't take a lot of effort to make, and it kept for breakfast the next morning leftovers. Yum!

1 comment:

Leslie said...

DUDE. That looks AWESOME.