Well, it turns out my wedding woes weren't as bad as I thought. This is usually the case: I have a flair for the dramatic that sometimes gets me a leetle more overwrought than I need to be. Long story short, DF looked over the prices with me of each place I had looked at and we realized the one place was waaay better than the others. I would say the name but I don't want anyone who reads this blog to know my business. No offense. So, that's decided. We may even be able to have shrimp--and don't worry, lactose-intolerant sister, we'll have something dairy-free for you (in response to her response to my last post). And probably sit-down buffet, so everyone can get what they want and there are fewer complaints. I'm all about no complaints. I had to laugh to realize that, while all the women are almost completely attired, neither the groom nor the groomsmen have anything ready. So typical. Now the decision is, DJ or band? I've heard good things about both and been at wedding with both and enjoyed them. Decisions, decisions....
This weekend was the Taste of Buffalo. It happens every year and it is a gastronomical paradise. A large number of restaurants in the area get to have tents with little tastes of their best wares. And let me tell you, Buffalo doesn't have the highest percentage of obesity and heart disease in the country for nothing. That may be because our most famous food is the Buffalo wing (no, buffaloes don't have wings--you are so funny), with pizza and Polish sausage running a close second. However, Buffalo is also filled with many hole-in-the-wall restaurants that have amazing food. Our Taste of Buffalo is one of the most successful in the country, so I've heard. This year was no exception. Even DF, with his fantastic weight loss, managed to find delicious little tidbits that were on his menu...and a few that weren't. The best part is that each portion they give you is probably no bigger than your hand, so you have more tastes of more places. Hence the name, I suppose. It's a great part of my summer and I suggest all of you to come next year. Sorry, Sommer, no Pronto Pups, but I bet we could find you something almost as yummy.
Also went to see The Devil Wears Prada. I really did think it was fun and cute, and Meryl Streep was fantastic, although the ending confused me a little. I haven't yet read the book. Definite chick flick, especially with Anne Hathaway continually dressed in awesome-looking high fashion. That part of the movie was almost totally wasted on me, as I have as much knowledge of fashion designers and styles as her character did in the beginning of the movie. I have neither the time nor the budget to wear any of it, but I have to admit she did look stunning and I kind of wished I could do a little Pretty Woman thing where I had unlimited cash to go to the high-name, high-end, high-price stores and make myself look all knock-out. I buy things very carefully and mainly from Target. Hey, Tar-zhay's Isaac Mizrahi collection has some very nice things, and most people I hang around with are none the wiser, or they shop there, too.
There is something intrinsically comforting about a chick flick, a girl movie, if you will, at least to most females. I have memorized lines from When Harry Met Sally, Sleepless in Seattle, Love Actually, and others. I think most of us know what that most famous line is in Dirty Dancing. Oh yeah, you know which one. I think they appeal to the romantic in us, the one who knows it's all going to turn out all right but still gets excited when it does. A good chick flick, to me, is funny and sends a decent message. I can't deal with the one who have idiotic women doing idiotic things looking all cute and helpless. This is why I actually thought Legally Blonde sent out a good message to the younger set: Don't be boxed in, don't be afraid to show you have a brain, and you're more than your looks. OK, and I think Luke Wilson is hot in that slightly funny-looking way that I also think Ben Stiller is attractive. Gorgeous eyes. I'm a sucker for eyes. If AFI ever did a Top 100 Chick Flicks of All Time, what would be the top ten? Ponder that as an aside from the daily grind.
Hooray! You found a place for the reception! That was one of the hugest challenges for us. I'm glad you're feeling a little less stressed about it. It really can be hell. If I could go back and give myself some advice for the engagement, it would be to try to relax a little and realize it's all going to turn out awesome whether you have the shrimp or not. It's impossible not to stress at all and it is a lot of work. But try to look for aspects to really enjoy and focus on those. Rememberk, in the end, you'll remember more the fun you and your guests had, not how perfectly folded the napkins were or how the frosting matched the bridesmaids' dresses.
On a separate note, I love Luke Wilson, too! Top 10 chick flicks is hard. I only like the really good ones. Love Actually would be one of them. Is the Thomas Crown Affair a chick flick? I'm sure some men would wince at me calling it that, but it does have a love story that fits your description. Same for Princess Bride, which of course is the greatest love story of all time. Last of the Mohicans. Gosh, most of my "chick flicks" seem to have an "action" flair to them. Cutting Edge. Well, there's a top 5 for me anyway.
It's funny- I've never really been the biggest fan of the chick flick genre. Maybe my mother subjected me to Splendor in the Grass one too many times. That being said, I do love a Hugh Grant movie on a good day, and I heartily agree with putting Love Actually toward the top of the list. After that, I'm not sure that the standard definition of "chick flick" actually applies to my favorites- Steel Magnolias, Gone With the Wind, Ya-Ya. I guess I have to think of one more. Much Ado About Nothing. There you have them, in no particular order...
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