Sunday, December 23, 2007


OK, I am sooooo sorry! I didn't realize it had been so long! I got busy and then I got sick. Seriously, people, I was so tired this last week I fell asleep several times at 8:30 until my husband woke me up to tell me I still had work to do. But now I have vacation time, so I have good time to blog!

Right now I could not feel happier: I have my fleece pants on, I have a blanket wrapped around me...and right next to me on the couch doing her nails and watching Law and Order: CI is Scarlet Lily! She and her nice fiance, her mother, and her brother all came in for the Bills-Giants game and current bad weather has forced them to stay another night. Yay! She also brought us some of her delicious "twelve days" cookies: the lusikkailevat ones. Make them immediately! They all went to the game and I had choir practice singing unto the Lord, as DH says.

I have nothing terribly exciting to report: It's the Christmas season, we've got the great Christmas Road Trip ahead, and all my shopping is done, which never happens with me. I'm sure I'll have more to report soon. In the meantime, here's a website to try:, a site to practice vocabulary and donate rice to the UN. It's the season of giving, right?

Happy holidays and Merry Christmas if you celebrate it!

Lovely Ladies

S.L. helping B. get his jersey on over several layers of clothes
(it was freezing, pouring rain, and windy as all hell)

Awww...we love them even if they're Giants fans....

Relaxing in the Man Room: Scarlet Lily, Die Frau, and their men

1 comment:

Strongmama said...

Merry Christmas, Lovely Ladies! I hope you are keeping warm and having a great time together!