Tuesday, December 30, 2008

A Brilliant Form of Bribery

Went to the dentist today for the first time in...too long. Over a year. I know. I'm bad. So they took the x-rays, informed me why I actually need to floss and proved it by showing me the cavity that's just beginning to form using their magical zoom-in x-ray photos of my teeth (SO COOL. TT, now I know why B gets so excited about his work). It was the first time I could see for myself what the dentist meant.

But the way coolest part? The hygienist had me watch a movie while she cleaned my teeth! Seriously, while she poked and prodded, I watched Enchanted, which I have never seen and now plan to rent because I found it, frankly, enchanting. The screen's right there and you either see your x-rays or watch a movie--whatever they need to do at that moment, obviously. It's not as though I would choose to stare at tooth roots instead of watching Amy Adams run around and sing. What a great way to calm children and the occasional nervous adult! Seriously, I will never miss my six-month check-up again. Now if only I had better dental insurance....Sigh. There's the catch, but it might be worth it to sit in the chair and chill to a DVD for an hour.

Oh, and go see The Curious Story of Benjamin Button. Amazing.


Wonderland said...

Awesome! I love it.

feather nester said...

We saw BB while in Austin...we all loved it. Those makeup artists must have a lock on their category for the Oscars...

innspecter said...

Benjamin Button was a little slow in parts for me, but I enjoyed it overall and thought that every frame was really beautifully rendered.